Sunday, September 20, 2015

Inside my head, straight from the heart.

 I really haven't forgot about the blog! I just get caught up in life and don't take time to sit down and blog. This post might be kind of long, probably wont have any pictures, just some thoughts.

Lately, I have been feeling extremely blessed and grateful! I would like to share with you some of the thoughts rolling around in my head. Be prepared for a lot of "grateful" and "blessed."

First off, I am beyond grateful for my cute husband Colten. He is the best thing that has every happened to me and I feel beyond blessed to be his wife! I am grateful he honors his Priesthood and stand ready to use it whenever. I am grateful for his work ethic. He works so hard to support us, and I appreciate that. I am grateful he supports me in everything, loves me and hold me tight when the tears come. I am grateful he stands by my side and holds my hand as we face the blessing of infertilely. I don't know what I would do without him.

I am grateful for my sweet parents. I cant say enough good things about them. They support me, love me and give me more than I ever deserve.

I am grateful for my sister. She has became my bestest friend. I am grateful I will always have her by my side as we grow old and gray!

I am grateful for my little Mokee. She has brought so much joy into my life, that I never knew was missing.

I am grateful for my grandparents (which are celebrating their 50th anniversary this week. whoozer!!) they are the most selfless people I know.

I am grateful for my 4 aunts, which I adore.

I am grateful for my Mother and Father in law. I am grateful they raised such a wonderful man.

I am grateful for my 2 kick butt brother in laws. Brothers are the best.

I am grateful for my cousins and extended family.

I am grateful for my perfect little home, my bed to sleep in, food in my fridge and clothes to dress in.

I am grateful for my best friends who I trust and adore. I am grateful they share their perfect little kids with me! I love me some Chevelle & Ledger time!

I am grateful that we are financially stable and can fulfill our needs.

I am grateful for my job and the cute salon I work in.

I am grateful for my co-stylist. Love each one of them.

I am grateful for each one of my clients. without any of them my dreams of a stylist wouldn't be true.

I am grateful for the rest of my friends and family friends who love me. And continue to pray for me and Colten.

I am grateful that modern technology is able to find out the exact problem to our infertilely. And have ways of bypassing the problem.

I am grateful for the process of adoption and foster care.

I am grateful for my testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I am grateful for a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father.

I am grateful for Heavenly Fathers plan for me. I am grateful for HIS timing, because he knows what's best.

I am grateful for prayer. I am grateful I can talk to my Heavenly Father whenever I want.

I am grateful for answers to prayers.

I am grateful for the knowledge of The Plan of Salvation and eternal families.

I am grateful for this beautiful life I have been given.

I often catch myself thinking.. "if only we could conceive on our own" "why us?", "this isn't fair," But then I remember just how blessed and grateful we truly are. Heavenly Father has blessed me beyond measure and I cant be so selfish and wish for that one thing when he has given me so much. 
 Infertility may seem like such a big thing, but in all reality this is just a bump in our road. I am grateful Heavenly Father placed this challenge before us, because its made me realize what's really important, strengthened our marriage and tested my faith. I know that through Heavenly Fathers timing and his ways we will be blessed with our very own family, until then...

I will continue to be grateful for the hidden blessing of infertility.


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