
No, we weren't high school sweethearts! Yes, we worked together.. Yes, we went to high school together.. and Yes, we were even in the same ward. We just never dated!!

September of 2011, Colten and I were texting one day about pizza pockets (something we always ate at the golf course.). Our conversation turned into him asking me on a date. To be completely honest I didn't even want to go, Colten was like a brother to me and you don't date your brothers. I went and little did I know he gave me BUTTERFLIES. He took me to a movie and dinner. We seemed to hit things off real quickly and before I knew it we were officially dating.

One of our first dates, on a four-wheeler ride.


On November 24, 2011 Colten took me on a date to the movies. He had previously arranged for pictures of us to play on the big screen and then it proceeded to ask me to marry him. He got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. It was literally the best night of my life.

Engagement picture!

On March 17, 2012 we entered into the Lords house and were sealed for time and all eternity. We have never looked backed. We couldn't be happier!


A few months after we got married, we added Nixee (black lab) to the family! About a year after that we added Nora (yellow lab) to the family. Colten was pretty happy. He had two great dogs to do all his hunting with!

 In January of 2015 we bought our first home in Garland, UT. We absolutely love it. With 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, its perfect to start our family in.
June 2015 little Mokee made her way into our lives. She has been exactly what we needed, especially me threw this trial. She is so fun, cuddly and full of personality. She goes everywhere with us and I seem to spoil her. We love Mokee and the special spot she has filled in our home.
We love this life we have created together. We enjoy spending time with each other and our families. We can't wait to bring a child into our family. We love them unconditionally and be the best parents we can. We know somehow and someday we will be blessed with children. Right now we are trusting the Lord and counting our blessings. And finding the "happiness in our Journey!"


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