Sunday, August 9, 2015

Martin Harris Pageant

My little sister is in the Martin Harris Pageant this year! This is her 3rd time doing it! And I absolutely love it! I feel as if I become apart of the pageant family. We usually go quite of few times over the 2 weeks it runs.. and subconsciously we all begun to sing and quote the play!

isn't my sister beautiful?


During the pageant Martin and Lucy sing a song together... This is a text message I got from Colten the other morning, with an exact line from the song! "Lucy, I love you and I will all my life!" I laughed pretty hard!

I went the other night with my mom! It got really chilly and I obviously wasn't dressed for the weather! My cute sister kept my toes warm in between senses!
The pageant is such a testimony builder and the Spirit is beyond amazing! If you haven't been, there is still a week left! I highly recommend everyone taking the time to watch it and feel the Spirit.

Preston Rodeo

Bracken & Geneice
My husband is a stud!!
Colten's dad is from Preston, Idaho. And every year his grandma has everyone up and stay the weekend and enjoy the activities of The Famous Preston Night Rodeo. Unfortunately, we couldn't
make it up to stay the whole weekend! But we did make it up Saturday for the Rodeo and dinner! I sadly didn't get as many pictures as I should have.

I feel so blessed to be married into the Smith family! Colten's 3 aunts and Grandma have been so accepting and loving towards me! They always make us feel included and loved. I love each of them and grateful to be apart of the family!

Love Always,

Miss Mokee

Mokee is growing up so fast! I cant hardly handle it! She is learning new things everyday! She is 95% potty trained! She is knows her name! And we are building our trust and letting her stay out when we aren't home! She is full of personality, a little diva and the princess of the house! We are blessed to have her!!

Colten and Mokee have been working on fetching! She absolutely loves Colten!!

She got a fresh haircut and then we went and visited grandma at work!

Mokee got to go to grandmas on Thursday and play while we had work! She loves going there and playing with my moms dogs! She was so excited when I dropped her off and when I picked her she was sound asleep within seconds! We are so blessed to have my family so loving of her and always wanting to be apart her life!

 Me and Mokee went to my cousins bridal pictures and she had her horse there! Of coarse, Mokee had to go on her first horse ride!

We seriously love her! And so grateful for the joy and love she has brought into our lives!


We took a very last minute vacation!! My mom called me around the second week of July and told me that she had got a condo in Snowbird for week and asked if we wanted to go! We had about 2 weeks to get work off, rearrange appointments, find a sitter for Mokee and the dogs outside! We some how we managed it and set off for a week of fun! And to say we needed it would a complete understatement!

Dropping of Mokee! I may have cried!!
After I was done crying, we set off on our way!

We stayed in a beautiful condo and had a priceless view! The whole purpose of our vacation was to do absolutely nothing and relax! And that's exactly what we did! I took a lot of pictures, so I hope you enjoy a glimpse of our vacation!
Day 1 consisted of just enjoying the view and walking around! I absolutely loved it and wished I was still there!!!

Day 2- Snowbird has a few rides. They have a tram, slide, coaster and a few other things! We bought day passes and spend the day ridding rides, enjoying more beautiful views.

so many fun rides, laughs and good memories!

We rode the tram up to the top of the mountain. This view was breathtaking!

Riding the tram up!

my mom being a dork and dancing on the tram!

I had to share this! My mom may have freaked out coming down the zip line.

my family!

Colten awkwardly photo bombing my grandparents picture! haha!

The extended family!
My cute little cousin didn't want his mom to go on some of the rides! He cried and cried! His big alligator tears definitely tugged my heart! I love this little guy more than he will ever understand!!!


just some rides!
That summed up our day! Full of fun!
The next few days we celebrated my sister and dads birthday! Took lots of naps, enjoyed some pool time, took a jewelry class and let Colten entertain us with his funny ideas and jokes!


We took a chair lift up the mountain! It was  fun and relaxing! Poor Colten is deathly scared of heights and didn't enjoy the beautiful view like I did! I might have found it kind of funny watching him freak out!

Friday we spent the day in Park City shopping! Unfortunately I didn't snap any pictures! But we spent way to much money and bought way to much!

Saturday we made it home and finally got our Mokee! I cant thank my good friend Mandy and her family for keeping Mokee. They absolutely spoiled her and she loved playing with them and their dog Oden!
We had so much fun on this much needed vacation! We are so grateful for my parents and them inviting us to go with them! They are pretty amazing people and love them so much! We cant thank them enough!!