Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Independence Day!

This is how our Independence Day started off! Colten and Mokee slept in tell 10am before I went down and woke them up!
We had a BBQ at my parents house! We enjoyed the company of our family and a few friends!

I love my little family!!



Have I ever mentioned I have the best nail lady ever? Everybody needs a nail lady like Lisa!

Mokee's 4th of July bow!


Left top picture: Kenlyn eating Watermelon. She loves fruit!
Left bottom picture: Baby Ledger! Isn't he perfect? I am so glad my friends will share their kids with me!
Middle Pictures: The greatest people ever, my mom and dad. And my cute Aunt Joey and Grandma!
Right top picture: My gdog! He is the best grandpa ever!
Right bottom picture: Kayla and Zack! I am so glad me and Colten have such great friends! We love them!
Unfortunately because of the weather we didn't get to light fireworks or watch a movie on the projector! Oh well, we still had a great time! We hope you all had a great 4th of July!
Love, Sharlee



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