Monday, June 29, 2015

Colten goes to the Doctor!

Colten has had some trouble breathing for about a year now. The last six months it has gotten really bad. He finally decided it was time to go to the doctor. I made him an appointment with an ear, nose and throat doctor. We went over to Logan this morning. I really enjoyed taking pictures of us waiting for the doctor. I love spending time with just the two of us, he keeps me laughing even at the doctors office.

His appointment was at 10am we didn't see the doctor tell 11! I know that's just an hour.. but it felt like FOREVER!!  I think I read every magazine they had and Colten thought he was going to die! He had to go the bathroom haha!

 I found this little gem in a magazine and I loved it! I think I might hang in the salon! You don't fry eggs without oil, why do you flat iron your hair without any protection???? Trust me nobody likes burnt eggs or burnt hair!!
Doctor time! Colten got to sit in this cool little chair, he thought it was pretty great!
Apparently he Colten has severe allergies that has turned into a persistent sinus infection. The doctor gave him some medicine hoping to clear up the infection. He said it will be a problem he will deal with the rest of his life, so hopefully we can find a long term solution. I just am ready to sleep in piece and Colten is ready to sleep and breathe at the same time!

Hope your enjoying your Monday!!
Love, Sharlee
June 29, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015

a creative title, that I couldnt think of!

I cant believe this is the last week in June!! This year is half way over and just for your information there is only 179 days until Christmas!! Better start my shopping!

I love that my dad loves Mokee! The other night after hauling hay we stopped at A&W's for an ice cream. I caught this cute picture of him sharing his ice cream with her. I cant help but smile seeing things like this. My family has taken Mokee in just like a grandkid. They love her, kiss on her and even beg for her to sleepover. She is definitely loved by everyone!

I really debated about posting this little mishap! What I decided what the heck? Somehow I didn't get ANY cooking skills from my mom (who is known for the best cook around!!). I have failed at cooking so many things, but for some reason I keep trying, hoping to improve. The first of every week Colten makes breakfast burritos for his breakfast at work! I have taken upon myself to help him out the last few weeks. I put the bacon in the oven and became a little sidetracked. I honestly don't know how much time went by (Colten is always telling me to set a timer!!) when I smelled the bacon. When I opened the oven it was literally like a cloud of black smoke came out burning my eyes. Our whole house was a black smoky cloud. Surprisingly Colten still ate it, and I guess I will try not to burn it this week!

Little Miss Mokee has been came such a little sassy miss. She loves her toy purse!! She thinks she gets to go with me, if she has her purse ready.

She was pretty sleepy from the vets!
On Friday, she gave us a little scare. She found a package of gum and decided it tasted really good. Apparently, chewing gum is deadly to dogs. Gum contains Xylitol  and that's what hurts dog. If they eat to much it will drop their blood sugar so low and put them into a "blood sugar comma!" We ended up taking her to the vet and she spent the whole day there. They watched her closely and luckily she didn't get sick. I guess its time we puppy proof our home.


This is how we spent our Saturday. We took several naps, ate lots of otter pops and watched Netflix. I caught this cute picture of Colten & Mokee sleeping!

Sunday we attended Church. Colten gave his first lesson in Young Mens. He said it was very short and sweet. I think he really enjoys being in the Young Men.
We had a really good lesson in Sunday School. The topic was the Sacrament.
This quote really stood out to me! Sometimes I become so sidetracked during the passing of the sacrament. My mind wonders, I watch people, think about lunch and sometimes even play on my phone. The sacrament is the one time during the week we can renew our covenants with our Heavenly Father, and yet I become so distracted. I am going to make it my goal to really focus on the Atonement of our Savior, and ways I can improve my life. I need to have more of an open heart to repent and become better. I couldn't imagine life without the Holy Spirit and I have the opportunity to renew my covenants every Sunday. I am grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and the atonement. It has blessed my life in more ways than I can count.
After church we went to my grandparents for dinner. Mokee is seriously soooo loved. I cant wait to see the love they give to our children one day!

My mom and Mokee playing!
Aunt Joey and Mokee!
We LOVE Joey!
Well that's all for now! Until next time!
Love, Sharlee
June 22,2015- June 28,2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Welcome to our blog!! Our goal for this blog is to inform everybody of our situation and find us a perfect baby to adopt! Despite our trial, we are very grateful and confident we will have a family! We hope our blog shows people the happiness we enjoy everyday while continuing to fight infertility. We want nothing more than to have a family! Please feel free to share and follow our blog. We want to get out there and touch the mother who is struggling and considering adoption. We love you all and are especially grateful for our family, friends and their prayers!
-Colten & Sharlee